Tuesday, September 6, 2011

There are a million (or gazillion!) blogs about homeschooling....

so why does there need to be one more? : )

I mean, I'm not brilliant, unique, creative, or particularly resourceful. I'm just a mother of three boys who sort of tumbled pell mell, roly poly, tumble bumble (Poky Little Puppy, anyone? : ) into the fascinating universe that is homeschooling.

I got married to my amazing husband while we were juniors at K-State--we didn't exactly have the typical college experience! About 6 months after we were married and settled in back at school we were, ahem, ***suprised*** to find out I was expecting. (Actually I fainted while reading the test results) I waddled down the aisle to grab my bacherlor's degree in French while almost 8 months pregnant. (It was hysterical--I'm VERY short so it was like Ms. Pac-Man in a cap and gown.....) Hubby then proudly snagged his bacherlor's in applied mathematics, but the only weight he'd gained was sympathy weight, soooo, his waddle was not nearly as pronounced!

After making it through our college graduation and our 1 year anniversary with only a few contractions, we promptly moved everything out of our dump of an attic apartment and went to live with my out-laws so I could have our first baby two weeks before my husband went to Officer Candidate School to join the Navy as an officer. No big deal, right? Marriage, college, graduation, baby, boot camp--cram as many life changing events in 14 months as humanly possible, that's what I always say!

Logan was born on Ronald Regan's birthday, Feb. 6th, 2002. And I found out it's true--you can, in fact, live with your heart outside your chest. Nothing went as planned with the labor and delivery, but hey--that's just par for the course for hubby and I! We were both in love with the most prefect baby ever born (up to that point!).

Moved to Florida for Andy's OCS graduation, first time away from home long term....cried like a baby as my parents drove away. (I found out later my mother had to lay down in back seat for hours while my Dad drove...she was crying as hard as I was!) We lived there for seven months for Andy's training and then moved to......

Maryland! Flew there by myself with an almost one year old to find a house, where hubby had arranged for me to be picked up by another officer while he drove our car from Florida. Got to the base hotel room, grasped the enormity of what needed to be done in a place I'd never been where I didn't know anyone without the slightest clue how to proceed and promptly.....bawled like a baby.

Found a house, put in a bid all by mybiggirlself, and got us moved in and unpacked and asked Andy "So what do you think about maybe trying to have another baby?" He nodded and said that trying would be fine with him. Four weeks later I was staring at another positive pregnancy test.

Aaron came into the world in the middle of a hot, sticky July day (our airconditioning broke the last month of my pregnancy and I hadn't had a full night's sleep in 6 months......) and another perfect baby boy was born.

Several years later we were happily ensconced near Monterey, CA so hubby could complete a Master's degree in Engineering. A friend told me she really liked the hospital in Monterey, since after you have your baby you can order a great chocolate milkshake from the cafeteria. I really, REALLY like chocolate milkkshakes. So I asked Andy "What do you think about trying for #3?" He nodded and said trying sounded OK to him. Two months later I was once again looking at a positive pregnancy test, dreaming of frowsy pink curtains and tutus......

I got my chocolate milkshake...and a bouncing baby boy we named Jacob.

And 6 weeks later, we started homeschooling.......

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